Offering full-time safety solutions without the full-time cost

Affordable Services for high safety standards

At Hsse, our consulting services are here to support your business and ensure your team maintains ohs standards.

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Our safety management services are designed to meet the unique needs of our clients across a range of industries. Our main services include:

  1. Safety Program Development

    We work with our clients to create custom safety programs that meet legislative requirements and fit seamlessly into their daily operations. By identifying and managing potential hazards, we help our clients maintain a safe and compliant workplace.

  2. SECOR & COR Maintenance Assistance

    We help our clients maintain their SECOR and COR certifications by providing ongoing support and assistance with the maintenance process. Our expertise ensures that our clients are always up-to-date with the latest safety standards and regulations.

  3. External Audit Preparation and Audits

    We assist our clients with external audits by preparing them for the audit process and providing support during the audit. Our goal is to help our clients achieve optimal audit scores and maintain their compliance with safety regulations.

  4. Subcontractor Management and Assistance

    We assist our clients with prequalification packages to get on approved client vendor lists. We also help our clients manage subcontractors, ensuring that they comply with safety regulations and meet our clients' safety standards.



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We stay up to date with all OHS compliance, so you donโ€™t have too.

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Itโ€™s our promise that your small business will be quickly back on track, for your workers to finish the job properly.

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We have spent almost 10 years learning about and maintaining safety guidelines.

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We have been fully engulfed with the construction and oil industry implementing safety procedures.


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Detail 2

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